Help in a crisis

If you or someone you are concerned about is in an emotional or mental health crisis that requires an urgent response then:

  • contact the person’s GP, or the GP out of hours service and explain the problem or
  • phone NHS 111, or
  • 24/7 NHS local urgent mental health response phone line 0800 051 1508
  • People that use mental health services may have a Crisis Card or an Advance Directive in their bag or pocket. This gives written information about who to contact in a crisis.
  • Most people who use mental health services will also have a Care Plan and a named professional responsible for their care, ask them.

Finally, if you have serious concerns for someone’s immediate safety then they can go to Accident and Emergency or phone emergency services 999 for assistance.

Someone to talk to.

The Samaritans offer emotional support and a listening ear 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:

  • Call free on UK Telephone Number: 116 123

 Mind operates an Information Line which provides information on types of mental health problem, where to get help, medication and alternative treatments and advocacy. It operates from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday (except Bank Holidays)

  • Call 0300 123 3393

SHOUT – 24/7 text service for anyone who is in a crisis you can text 85258

Childline (for anyone under 19) free to call 0800 1111

Papyrus (for people under 35) 0800 068 4141 9am – midnight every day of the year (Weekends and Bank Holidays included) text 077860039967

Side by Side is an online, supportive community provided by Mind:

Mindline Trans+ is a confidential, mental health support helpline for people who identify as Trans, Agender, Gender Fluid, Non-binary and also supports family members and friends and provides signposting to other services and resources. Tel: 0300 330 5468

Signposting and information

Mind Halton can signpost you to mental health services.